Impact - Olivier Norek
Such is the high bar that Olivier Norek has set for me progressively over his previous Victor Coste and standalone thrillers, that I couldn't help approach Impact with some trepidation (and I will no doubt feel the same when I get up to date with Dans les brumes de Capelans his first post-SDPJ 93 Coste novel). It isn't particularly reassuring that in outline the book is about the social and political impact of climate change on developing nations, which seems a little out of the author's comfort zone and where there is always the risk of it being preachy. Still, it's not so long ago that I read his stunning crime-thriller take on the immigrant crisis in Entre deux mondes , so I remained fairly optimistic that I would still enjoy and be enlightened by Impact . And indeed any concerns I might have had were soon put to rest, and I didn't even need to wait to get to Chapter 3, when we are back on the familiar ground of a police investigation in Paris, where psycholo...