Comment va la douleur? - Pascal Garnier
Comment va la douleur? , the most celebrated of Pascal Garnier's books, is an exquisite example of literary crime fiction. Every chapter, particularly the first two chapters before you really know where it's going, are like perfect little short stories on their own. They combine however and connect in unexpected ways. The first chapter introduces us to Simon Marechall and Bernard Ferrand, without it being clear what the relationship is between the two men. We subsequently discover that they have met by chance at Vals-les-bains, a spa town not far from Lyon. Marechall is on a journey to complete a business arrangement in "pest control", but his health is suffering. Bernard, a young man with two missing fingers who lives with his mother there, seems an ideal and somewhat naive companion to drive him to his destination at the seaside resort Cap d'Adge on the south coast, for which he will be well paid. With the promise of seeing the sea, Bernard is happy to be chauff...