Thrown - Sara Cox
My preferred title for my blog was '100 pages', but for whatever reason, Blogger wouldn't let me use that. That is the limit I will give a book the opportunity to grab me and want to keep on reading. Anything that doesn't look promising I'll put aside, as I have a mountain of other books I'd much rather be spending time with. Such is the case unfortunately - but not unexpectedly - with Sara Cox's Thrown . I'm not sure it's fair to call this a review then, as I didn't get 'to the last page', but as long that's clear, here's a few thoughts impressions I have from the first 100 pages, which will at least ensure it is spoiler free. It's probably no surprise then that Sara Cox's debut fits very clearly under the category of 'Women's Fiction' or 'Female Interest'. I don't mean this to sound like a dismissive put-down, as it these are recognised and very popular genres, but as I am not the target readersh...