Last One at the Party – Bethany Clift
A novel about a pandemic that rips through the population of the world with devastating consequences is probably the last thing you want to pick up for a light read at the minute. On the other hand, the question of how we deal with the reality of such an event, one even worse that Covid-19, is something that you probably need to consider. You might think you cope a little better than the last person standing narrator of Last One at the Party , but how does anyone know how they would react to the realisation that they may be the only person in the world left alive? Although harsh lessons have been learned from the 2020-21 Covid-19 pandemic, there is nothing that can prepare the scientists for 6DM when it hits in 2024 and rapidly wipes out the entire population of the United States. It’s commonly known as 6DM because scientists don’t really have time to analyse it, since 6 Days Maximum is as long as anyone infected is expected to last before their body organs disintegrate, resulting in a...