Reading the Ruins - David B.
Although there have been translations of some of his work, it seems to me that the English speaking world haven’t really caught on to the genius of David B, one of the greats of the European graphic novel scene. It took 10 years for the artist/writer’s 1996 masterpiece L’Ascension du Haut Mal to be published in English as Epileptic , and since then only a few of his works have been translated and independently published in the UK or USA. Actually, I think the English speaking world have been deprived of the opportunity to read a great number of original talents in the European market, but that’s something that Europe Comics are starting to quickly rectify with their eBook English translations, and finally, we’ve now have another marvellous little gem from David B. Originally published in France in 2001 for Dupuis, Reading the Ruins ( La Lecture des ruines ) is a good choice for an audience unfamiliar with his work or style, even if it isn’t typical of it. In full colour rather than h...