The Wardrobe Mistress - Patrick McGrath
Patrick McGrath is a masterful and elegant writer of suspenseful situations that delicately unravel unhinged characters on a downward spiral into madness. The writing is beautifully crafted, full of barely perceptible insinuation, erotic undercurrents and anticipatory tension. At his best, there’s a tendency towards the gothic in the incipient madness spilling over into delicately wrought melodrama in such works as Asylum , Spider and Dr Haggard’s Disease , but there has been a repetitiveness that has seen diminishing returns more lately in Trauma and Constance , albeit still with elegantly and beautifully crafted writing to enjoy. If that character is always present in his works, McGrath has worked a little outside his comfort zone in the US historical drama Martha Peake , in the exoticism of Port Mungo and – perhaps most successfully – in Ghost Town , his collection of three stories in different time period in a Manhattan setting. The Wardrobe Mistress extends McGrath’s range and...