Hex - Thomas Olde Heuvelt
The people of Black Spring have a problem with the paranormal, but they've learned to live with it. Up until now. The remote little town is living under a 300 year old curse, haunted by a witch whose apparitions are somewhat random and unsettling. Bound in chains, her eyelids stitched together to prevent the power of her evil eye, her mouth also stitched to keep her from whispering the curses that provoke suicidal thoughts, there's nothing for it but to pop a tea towel over her head when the Black Rock Witch decides to stand for a couple of hours or even days in your bedroom or kitchen. It's still disturbing, but what are you going to do about it? Leaving or moving out of Black Spring isn't an option, as any extended absence will result in nightmares and suicidal thoughts. Far easier to just live with the curse than try to fight against it - you have no idea what will result from any direct disturbance of the witch. The citizens of the town also evidently need to preven...