Aurora - Kim Stanley Robinson
Following the science-fiction exploration into the distant past of the Earth during the Earth's Ice Age in Shaman , Kim Stanley Robinson returns again to the far future and some of the themes of the Mars Trilogy books that made him famous; the issues around off-Earth colonisation, terraforming and the human questions associated with it. Moving on from there and from 2312, Robinson starts in the year 2545 and extends upon themes in the previous books in Aurora , taking a ship on a journey out of our solar system towards the sun of Tau Ceti, 11.9 light-years from Earth. Like many science-fiction stories dealing with multi-generational interstellar travel, there's obviously no-one around to remember exactly why the ship set out in the first place, and even their ultimate destination is uncertain until they more fully explore the planets and moons of Tau Ceti to establish which has the best Earth-like environment to establish a community. What we do know at the start of Aurora is ...