Amulet - Robert Bolaño
At the centre of Amulet is Auxilio Lacouture, an exile from Uruguay who has come to Mexico in 1965 turning up on the doorsteps of poets León Felipe and Pedro Garfías, dusting and cleaning, anything to just be in their presence and bathe in their majesty. Everything changes however when the military occupy the university in Mexico City in September 1968 and Auxilio, occupying the ladies bathroom of the fourth floor of the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, is the only person remaining undetected in the building. Whether what follows is real or imagined by Auxilio over the twelve days in a semi-hallucinatory state, partly induced by the reading of poetry, it’s clear that the incident at the university is an event of major importance for the nation, the fulcrum for what is to unfold. In the subsequent years Auxilio becomes, or perhaps sees herself, as the mother of Mexican poetry for a new generation, a friend of surrealist artists, avant-garde poets, writers and theatre directors, am...