Carta bianca - Carlo Lucarelli
The first novel in Carlo Lucarelli's Commissioner De Luca series is set during a very significant period, and it's undoubtedly something that contributes to its particular mood and character, or perhaps I should say that Lucarelli succeeds in establishing that particular character of a police murder investigation that takes place in April 1945, in the dying days of the war that precipitate the fall of Mussolini's Republic of Salò. It's not a political thriller, even if many of the characters are of necessity connected to the government, but it's also more than just background colour, the period and the politics making any murder investigation that involves an official just that little more difficult and dangerous. Indeed Carta bianca opers with commissioner De Luca finding himself having to duck as a grenade attack carried out on a funeral procession as he makes his way to a crime scene. Only recently transferred to political police headquarters of the Questore in R...